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We can’t let antibiotics stop working #NotInOurLifetime

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Demand the government invest more money into discovering new antibiotics before it’s too late


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An infected wound? Earache? Routine surgery? Antibiotics have got it covered. But bacteria are rapidly learning to resist antibiotics. This is called Antimicrobial Resistance, or AMR. It’s already a leading cause of death worldwide and it’s getting closer to home every day. Time is running out.

Due to a lack of investment in research, we haven’t discovered a new class of antibiotics for almost 40 years. We urgently need your signature to convince the UK government to invest more money into research, so that scientists can discover effective new antibiotics before it’s too late.

We can’t let antibiotics stop working #NotInOurLifetime

Victorian era

Before the discovery of antibiotics, a common STI could be deadly


Fleming discovers penicillin, the first antibiotic used in humans


The last discovery of a commercially available antibiotic class


AMR causes 1.27 million deaths in a single year more than HIV/AIDS or malaria


50% increase in gonorrhoea infections, some of which are now untreatable using recommended antibiotics


Sex is a ticking time bomb We need action now


Without action the sex bomb is set to blow Returning us to the deadly pre-antibiotic era

Sex bomb

This is the reality for sex in our lifetime unless we act

The experts ready to help

World Health Organization

WHO estimates that in 2020, there were 82.4 million [47.7 million-130.4 million] new cases infected among adolescents and adults aged 15–49 years worldwide, with a global incident rate of 19 (11–29) per 1000 women and 23 (10–43) per 1000 men.


Ineos Oxford Institute

The Ineos Oxford Institute for Antimicrobial Research (IOI) was established at the University of Oxford in January 2021 to rapidly advance research, education and collaboration in search of solutions to tackle the growing threat of antimicrobial resistance.

Ineos Oxford Ins.

British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy

We are a global educator, joining the dots between scientific researchers, medical communities and the wider public to stop the growing threat of drug-resistant infections.


Antibiotic Guardian

Without effective antibiotics many routine treatments will become increasingly dangerous. Setting broken bones, basic operations, even chemotherapy and animal health all rely on access to antibiotics that work.

Antibiotic Guardian

We can’t let antibiotics stop working


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